
Immutable Data Structures for Functional JavaScript

Functional programming is used when implementation of imperative and object-oriented programming starts to become a headache. In functional programming, programs are conceived as just pure functions, meaning that they compute the same output always for the same input. Side effects like changing things in the console or global state are not relatable in functional programming. In fact, they are simply used to take data in, transform the data and send the data out.


Introduction to async / await with Koa2

Async / Await is one of the most awaited features of Javascript, which is already available under the harmony flag on V8 engine. However there are full fledge Node frameworks already around it. KoaJS2 is one of the upcoming frameworks, created by the the developers who made the very popular Express framework. Since Express has now been sold to Strongloop (which got bought by IBM), there is no word on the new version of Express. But Koa is definitely here already and its super amazing…

Blog, Product

How I started using Asana

I joined Asana back when it was a fairly new service, I have been unable to start using it properly. The main problem for me was desktop access, opening Asana again and again is slow, and keeping a pinned tab is annoying and difficult to find. What I really needed was a small native app, which could at least show me the tasks quickly (optimally a small widget on screen) and let me do the basic updates (completion / comment) without opening the main Asana website.